Is “Being Professional” Over-rated?

Don’t Mistake “Being Professional” for “Being Boring”.

Kelly Borowski
4 min readMar 4, 2024

All work and no play makes [INSERT NAME here] a dull boy/girl.

All work and no play makes [INSERT NAME here] a dull boy/girl.

All work and no play makes [INSERT NAME here] a dull boy/girl.

Sound familiar?

None of us want to end up like Jack from the movie “The Shining”.

Or this guy for that matter…

And yet for many of us go-getters, results-focused managers, and executives…

“Play” just isn’t part of our day…

We are so focused on getting results and on NOT wasting time… that we forget the benefits of taking time for breaks and “play”.


But a number of studies have shown “taking regular breaks” leads “to a significant increase in overall productivity” and “a higher level of performance for more extended periods.”


“embracing the art of play in the workplace can transform an organization by radically boosting its learning, development and innovation.”

I stand 100% behind these conclusions based not only on the research… but my own observations and my direct experience.

I’ve had very serious, rigid, no-nonsense managers…

And I’ve had down-to-earth, approachable managers…

Guess which manager was more effective in leading their team and getting results?

Yes, the latter.

And I’ve been both the serious “let’s talk shop all day” lead on my projects…

And the professional “friend-next-door” leader.

Guess which approach worked best?

Yes, the latter.


But the benefits don’t end there…

Where I was the more approachable light-hearted leader… I got to be more real and transparent…

Or more accurately I let myself be natural and genuine… showing up without an ulterior motive…

but as a results-focused team leader to learn what each individual on the project needed for the requirements to be met and for the project to succeed.

and by simply being me, personable, communicative and compassionate,

I turned out to be more effective.

It was actually easier and more natural to be approachable than it was to be serious and rigid.

In short —

Play really is the way…

To greater participation

Greater productivity

Greater performance

Greater trust

Greater morale

Greater innovation


Ultimately Greater profits.

And the sooner your company embraces this concept, the sooner you’ll see your productivity and profits soar.

I know what you might be thinking… that “play” sounds immature, ridiculous even — and unprofessional.

But I’d like to remind you that being professional doesn’t mean being SERIOUS all the time, and it doesn’t mean no room for a little bit of fun, a good laugh, or a good time.

Don’t just take my word for it…

Read the research on the significant role play has in “creative problem‐solving and inventing”.

What this means in the workplace is…

  • Breaks and play create space for out-of-the-box thinking
  • The foster fertile ground for new ideas to take shape.
  • And for Innovation to thrive, where our mind can wander off to contemplate the question…

Is there a better way to do this…

What is the better way to do this…

What tools do we already have that we could use differently?


Which brings us now to the HOW…

How can we add more playfulness while still maintaining focus on the project or task at hand?

And how can we make it a NATURAL part of our day instead of some new behavior we’re forcing to make happen?

It’s actually quite simple… because we’re not talking about some BIG thing or major change.

Here are 5 easily implementable ideas… and I would love to hear some of yours.

1) Opening up a call with a joke that everyone can relate to

Or play this satire…

Fair WARNING: this video might find you ROFL

2) Grabbing a coffee OUTSIDE of work. Working remote? Invite them for a virtual coffee. Think it’s not the same? It’s a close 2nd and better than NOT doing it altogether.

3) Sitting down for lunch either off-campus or alfresco to enjoy the many benefits of sunshine including “mood enhancement, stress reduction, improved cognitive function, enhanced creativity and innovation, increased social bonding and teamwork, and health and well-being benefits.”

4) Going for a walk OFFSITE with a team member, stakeholder, manager, direct report.

5) Improv Workshops in your Community. I highly highly recommend Improv Playground with Adam Rudder. (No affiliation here, just a fan from experience :))

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What about you…

  • Which of these have you tried that has worked well for you?
  • What might you try THIS week?
  • What other ideas do you have for encouraging this more fun, receptive environment for productivity and innovation to thrive?

P.S. If you’re looking for more effective strategies to increase team participation, productivity and innovation… and ultimately profits, then don’t miss the upcoming live training “TEAM MOTIVATION ESSENTIALS”.

RSVP today @

-Kelly Borowski

Certified Results Coach

CEO & Founder of self-leadHERship

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Kelly Borowski

Training middle & senior managers to be more effective in leading a global workforce (minus the burnout) 🎯Certified Results Coach & Meditation Teacher