OM Daily Insights

Downloads from the Universe — the bigger World Wide Web

Kelly Borowski
3 min readMay 10, 2022

Every morning I receive a lot of downloads during my walk, run, or other “me” time.

Instead of keeping it to myself, I figured why not share it with the world.

Sharing is caring after all, and I care 😇❤️

So here are this morning’s downloads — minimally processed 😆


We wake up everyday,

but how many of us can say we are truly awake?

Alert enough to hear the dialogue in our heads,

to the sight and sounds in the space around us,

to the heart that beats inside us, and to the heart that beats inside each of us?

Are we awake or still asleep from the day before as we go about our daily routine?

Are we truly alive and kicking to the rhythm we set, or to the one set for us by daily habit?

Are we paying attention to life or are we just watching it go by,

until there is little life left to pay attention to?


What someone tells you in a heated moment is more of a reflection on them and what they need in that moment than on you.

Instead of making it about how you feel about the way they feel, try listening for what they need in that moment.

Instead of reacting, could you remain rooted in your stillness, long enough to go with their flow?

What is it they need to hear to put them at ease?

to feel heard?

to feel appreciated?

a hug?

a laugh?

Then feel how at ease you also are when they are at ease.

This is what it means to go with someone’s flow — because you love them.


Instead of keeping a running tab in your head of what someone didn’t do for you or how something didn’t go right,

Why not take down in your favorite notes app the things others did do for you and all the good things that did go your way?

Watch your day, week, month, year, and life change when you do.


Your voice is so powerful in sharing your experiences and your uniqueness.

Exercise it daily…

Not to tell others what they should do,

but to show them the beautiful colorful you.

Let’s grow together. ❤

That’s all for today. See you tomorrow ;)




Kelly Borowski

Training middle & senior managers to be more effective in leading a global workforce (minus the burnout) 🎯Certified Results Coach & Meditation Teacher