Think You’re an Introvert?

Here’s what’s REALLY going on…

Kelly Borowski
2 min readJan 12, 2024
AI art by Kelly Borowski — IG @artdacious

Here’s what’s REALLY going on…

So… you think you’re an introvert?

First off, why label yourself?

Second of all, have you noticed you have a lot to say around people you know and trust? like your family and close friends? and how much you enjoy their company?

Have you noticed how you can’t stop talking when a topic comes up that you’re passionate about?

AND how energized you feel after those conversations?

What’s really happening is this…

We bounce around between being introverted and extroverted

— depending on WHO we’re around and the topic of the conversation.

When we’re with someone we know, like or trust, that’s when we give ourselves permission to be ourselves, to speak up — and to speak our mind.

To put aside fear of offending anyone,

Or fear of how we’re seen.

And that’s the key here…

It’s when we allow ourselves the freedom to express our deeper thoughts, feelings, ideas… that’s when we can show our true self…

and suddenly…

an extroverted side comes out.

Because we’ve put down our defenses.

And the truth is… in almost all instances there is no attack we need to defend against.

So what reason then do we have to keep the protective ego mind in the driver’s seat?

Why not offer that over-active ego the back seat…

so that the real you and the best qualities of you can be experienced…

so that you can once again have meaningful inspiring conversations…

Conversations that lead to deeper connection,

creative self-expression,

and collaborative innovation.

Conversations that go beyond labeling ourselves as introverted or extroverted…

But as people connectors and as catalysts for positive change.

Instead of burying your talents and potential underneath the “I’m an introvert” label…

and instead of predicting how you’re going to feel in a social interaction…

give yourself permission to show up without masks, to speak freely from a place of good intention

and see what happens…

see what possibilities unfold.

LIVE the change you want to see.

You lead.

Namaste ❤️




Kelly Borowski

Training middle & senior managers to be more effective in leading a global workforce (minus the burnout) 🎯Certified Results Coach & Meditation Teacher